Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Central Broadband Acceptable Use Policy

Clients may not use their respective accounts:

  • For any purpose which violates U.S. federal or state laws
  • The provision of voice service by the company assumes that only legitimate calls will be originated or terminated.  It is illegal when a caller transmits misleading or inaccurate caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongly obtain anything of value.  The company will cooperate with the Federal Communications Commission and law enforcement to provide them information necessary to mitigate illegal traffic.
  • To interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment including distributing unsolicited electronic mail, propagating computer worms or viruses, or using the network to make unauthorized entry to other computational, information, or communications devices or resources
  • To broadcast message(s) to lists or individuals that has not explicitly expressed an interest in such messages. Unsolicited E-Mail is not acceptable
  • To intentionally use programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage or alter the software components of a computer or computing system and which include sending messages likely to result in the loss of recipients’ work or systems
  • To gain unauthorized entry into any piece of electronic equipment or to scan networks looking for possibly unauthorized entry points
  • In a manner that precludes or significantly hampers its use by others

Be aware that many networks are production or communications networks that many people rely on for business, education, or communications; uses that significantly interfere with the ability of others to make effective use of the network are not acceptable.

Respect the legal protection provided by copyrights, licenses and ownership of information; it is not acceptable to use your account to access information or resources unless permission to do so has been granted by the owners or holders of rights to those resources or information.

Forging E-mail or Usenet headers is expressly forbidden.

Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, maintains a zero tolerance policy regarding spam originating from its network.

Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, clients that send spam or repeated unsolicited e-mails can expect to be permanently disconnected. Charges may be applied to the account owner for time spent investigating and handling the complaints.

Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right to permanently suspend any account that violates its AUP.

To file a complaint for any violation of our AUP that originated within Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, network, please e-mail with all data that supports your complaint. Since we respond to all abuse complaints, we ask that you use a real e-mail address to which we may reply.

For emergency situations (your network is the recipient of a DoS or other attack) that is originating from within Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, network, please refer to the administrative contact listed in ARIN’s database. Please be advised that any non-emergencies reported to this number may be billable.


  • The benefits of or rights conferred are non-transferable. Use of Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet is expressly limited to Customer and Customer’s immediate family or direct employees. Account sharing is strictly prohibited and shall be cause for immediate termination of service.
  • Customer is responsible for all equipment and software necessary to connect to Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet.
  • Customer agrees to use the service in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws.
  • Customer is responsible for all use of account(s) and confidentiality of password(s). Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, will suspend access or change access to Customer’s Account(s) immediately upon notification by Customer that a password has been lost, stolen or otherwise compromised.
  • Customer’s use of Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet services constitute Customer acceptance of Terms and Conditions.


  • Customer is responsible for all local or long-distance telephone charges for connecting directly to Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet.
  • Customer agrees to pay Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, all charges relating to use of Customer’s Account(s). Customer recognizes that there is a 30-day minimum subscription period.
  • Sales and use taxes, and all other applicable taxes and levies which are applicable to the provision of services shall be borne by Customer, regardless of whom the taxes and levies are or were imposed upon.
  • Access is subject to credit limits and/or security deposits established by Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband. A credit limit is applied to all accounts.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, may suspend Customer’s access to the service if Customer exceeds his/her credit limit unless prior arrangements have been made.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right to change prices on 30 days’ notice.
  • All invoices are due upon receipt and payable within twenty-one (21) days unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right to suspend access to service for Customer’s Account(s) upon an indication of credit problems including delinquent payments. A reconnection charge of $25.00 will apply after payment of any outstanding balance.


  • Information available on Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet is the property of Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, its Information Providers, or other Customers.
  • Customer shall not redistribute, reproduce, or commercially exploit such information without express written permission of its owner.
  • Information Providers shall have the right to assert and enforce such copyright provisions directly on their own behalf.
  • Customer submitting information owned by Customer for publication on Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet grants Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, non-exclusive permission to distribute the information product worldwide. Customer retains all rights Customer may have to such information.

Limitation of Liability

  • Neither Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, nor its Information Providers are responsible for any damages arising from customer’s use of Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet or inability to use Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet. There is no guarantee of message delivery. Return receipts may be requested, but there is no guarantee that the recipient’s mail system will honor these.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, is not responsible for customer’s personal files residing on Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet. Customer is responsible for independent backup of all such data.
  • Customer is hereby warned that some sites accessible via Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet allow posting, retrieval, and/or electronic mailing of materials that may be considered obscene or objectionable. Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, is not responsible for inadvertent or deliberate access to such material and cannot prevent access of such materials.


  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right to change its services without notice including but not limited to access procedures, hours of operation, menu structures, commands, documentation, and services offered.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right to delete Customer’s personal files which have not been accessed for more than one (1) month.
  • Customer understands that Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet services may be interrupted for several reasons, including but not limited to malfunctions, maintenance, improvement or as required to protect network resources in the event of malfunctions or misuse. Customer understands that it may not receive advance notification of any such interruption of service. Scheduled outages will be publicized online.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, shall not be liable for any delay in or failure to perform the services caused by circumstances entirely beyond its control such as those occasioned by acts of God or other causes or which it could not have reasonably foreseen or any other cause which similarly impedes the providing of service.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right in its sole discretion to delete any information entered into Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet computer systems by Customer. Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, and its authorized representatives shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to edit publicly viewable information.
  • Customer hereby agrees that any material submitted for publication on Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet through Customer’s Account(s) does not violate or infringe upon any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory, common law or proprietary rights of others, or contain anything obscene, objectionable, or libelous.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, at its sole judgement, may immediately suspend Customer’s access to the service upon any breach of any of the Terms and Conditions by Customer, including, but not limited to, refusal or failure to pay for services provided or disruptive online behavior.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, reserves the right to terminate access to service for any Customer Account(s) which have been inactive for six (6) months or longer.
  • Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, may modify these Terms and Conditions upon notice published online. Customer’s use of Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies, or its DBA Central Broadband, Internet after such notice shall constitute Customer acceptance of such modifications.

Last Updated 04_2024